

Groups related form controls or fields and extends the Field component.

The Fieldset component is used to follow the W3C Grouping Controls recommendation for associating related form controls. It renders a <fieldset> element and should always be used in conjunction with the Legend component to provide a title for the group.

This component automatically includes the Field component, so you don't need to worry about wrapping it yourself, just be sure to pass the form and name props to the Fieldset as you would with the Field component.

When to use a fieldset

Radio Groups

When you have a group of radio buttons related to a single field, you should use a Fieldset to group them together.

	<Fieldset {form} name="theme">
	<Legend>Select your theme</Legend>
	{#each themes as theme}
		<Control let:attrs>
			<input {...attrs} type="radio" bind:group={$formData.theme} value={theme} />
		Help us understand your preferences by selecting a theme.
	<FieldErrors />

Checkbox Groups

When you have a group of checkboxes related to a single field, typically used for multiple selections, you should use a Fieldset to group them together.

	<Fieldset {form} name="allergies">
	<Legend>Any food allergies?</Legend>
	{#each allergies as allergy}
		<Control let:attrs>
	<Description>We'll make sure to accommodate your dietary needs.</Description>
	<FieldErrors />

Grouped Form Sections

When you have a large form with multiple sections containing related fields, such as a "Billing Address" and a "Shipping Address", you should use a <fieldset> to group the related fields together. You won't use the Fieldset component directly in this case, since it doesn't represent a field on the form.

		<legend>Billing Address</legend>
		<!-- ... billing address fields -->
		<legend>Shipping Address</legend>
		<!-- ... shipping address fields -->


The Fieldset component renders a <fieldset> element and accepts the following props:

	export type FieldsetProps<
	T extends Record<string, unknown>,
	U extends FormPath<T>,
> = {
	 * The form object returned from calling `superForm` in your component.
	form: SuperForm<T>;
	 * The path to the field in the form object.
	name: U;
	 * If `true`, Formsnap won't render the default `div` element
	 * and will expect you to spread the `groupAttrs` slot prop into
	 * a custom label element/component of your choosing.
	 * @see
	 * @defaultValue `false`
	asChild?: boolean;
	 * You can bind to this prop to receive a reference to the
	 * underling HTML element rendered for the group.
	el?: HTMLFieldSetElement;
} & Omit<HTMLFieldsetAttributes, "form">;	

Slot Props

The Fieldset component provides a single slot prop, fieldsetAttrs, which is only necessary when using the asChild prop.

	type SlotProps = {
	fieldsetAttrs: FieldsetAttrs;


The following attributes are automatically applied to the <fieldset> element rendered by the Fieldset component. This is also the shape of the fieldsetAttrs slot prop when using the asChild prop.

	export type FieldsetAttrs = {
	/** Used for selection during styling or otherwise */
	"data-fs-fieldset": string;
	/** Present when a validation error exists on the field. */
	"data-fs-error": string | undefined;
	/* Any additional props provided to `<Form.Fieldset />` */
	[key: string]: any;

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